Spring Parent Teacher Confernces

We would like to invite all Maquoketa families to attend our Parent-Teacher Conferences on Wednesday, March 6th from 2:00-6:00  and Thursday, March 7th from 2:00-8:00. This is an important time for you to connect with your child(ren)’s teacher and discuss how their learning has progressed this school year.  We again will be using Meet the Teacher to schedule appointments at all buildings. 

Cardinal and Briggs Elementary will have 20 minute in-person conferences. The elementary buildings encourage in-person conferences to create early school connections with families and it’s easier to show parents the learning artifacts  of younger students.  Cardinal families are encouraged to bring their students to their conferences and Briggs families are invited to student-led conferences in all classrooms this spring.  Families please use “Meet the Teacher” for scheduling regardless of attending in-person or virtually. 

The Middle School and the High School will be hosting in-person conferences on Wednesday, March 6th and virtual conferences on Thursday, March 7th. This is to ensure a smooth transition throughout the night.  MS and HS will have 10 minute conference slots.   Meet the Teacher allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers and receive an email confirming your appointments. The email will include a link to use for video conferences. On Meet the Teacher, be sure to check the correct button (In Person or Virtual) according to the day that you picked.

Please visit https://maquoketaschools.meettheteacher.com/ to book your child’s conference appointment.  You will need your students’ name(s) and birth dates. In addition, here is a short guide with step by step directions on how to book your appointment using “Meet the Teacher.” If you have children that attend multiple buildings and you are attending in-person conferences, please note you will need to allow for travel time between your other child’s conferences. Therefore, you will want to manually schedule your child’s conferences in “Meet the Teacher” to allow for this travel time. 

If you have challenges in scheduling your conferences please contact the office at your child’s building, and they will be happy to add appointments on your behalf. We look forward to meeting with you to talk about your child’s learning experience. 

Yours sincerely,

Maquoketa Administrative Team