
Dear MCSD Families,

I want to take a moment to address the many questions we’ve received regarding the new chronic absenteeism legislation, Senate File 2435, recently passed in Iowa. We understand this legislation has brought about challenges and concerns for many families, students, and staff alike. Like all school districts across the state, we have been working diligently to navigate the details, definitions, and exceptions allowed by the state as we implement these new requirements.

Since our first communication on August 19th, followed by parent meetings on August 22nd at the Middle School and High School and student meetings the first day of school, the Maquoketa CSD has spent considerable time reviewing this legislation, gathering guidance from various state agencies, including the Department of Education, seeking advice from legal counsel, collaborating with surrounding school districts, reviewing MCSD board policy, and reviewing new Iowa Association of School Board recommended policy. We are committed to ensuring that the way we implement this legislation aligns with the needs of our students and families while meeting the law's intent, which is to ensure students are in school, present in their learning, and achieving success.

To provide more clarity, we’ve created the table below outlining key definitions, processes, and exceptions related to attendance that do not count towards chronic absenteeism or truancy. While this table offers important updates, please understand there are many specifics within the legislation, far too many to describe fully in a single letter and we continue to encourage you to contact your building administrator or Central Office with additional questions. 




Chronic Absenteeism

Defined as missing 10% of school within a grading period. Absences are calculated cumulatively by days, half days or periods. (Examples: A student misses the first 1/2 of the day for 4 days. This would be calculated as 2 total days of school missed. If a student missed one period everyday for 8 days, this would count as 1 full day).For the ‘24/ ‘25 school year guidelines are below:

MCSD uses a semester grading period. 

1st Semester: Approximately 8 days. 

2nd Semester: Approximately 9.5 days. 

*See information below regarding exempt absences.   

District is required to notify the County Attorney by mail or email and family by certified mail. 

Before 10% absenteeism an administrator or building designee may contact you to determine how MCSD can support families and students with any barriers of coming to school. 

School Engagement Meeting

If a student is absent 15% or more of days/hours in the grading period (after subtracting exempted absences listed below), it requires the school official to initiate and participate in a school engagement meeting.

Requires the child, the child’s parent/guardian, and a school official to participate in the meeting. 

The plan must identify the causes and any future responsibilities for each participant.

Requires the school official to monitor compliance, and requires the school official to contact the participants at least once each week during the remainder of the school calendar. 


A child of compulsory attendance age for whom exceptions don’t apply who has been absent from school, for any reason, for at least 20% of days or hours in the grading period.

The truancy officer (County Attorney) shall promptly institute proceedings against any person violating any of the provisions of sections of the attendance plan. 

Exception for students who: 

Additional Details

Completed graduation requirements or attained a G.E.D

Reviewed by district

Excused for sufficient reason by any court or record or judge

Reviewed by district including SRO, juvenile court liaison, local law enforcement and family

Attending religious services or receiving religious instruction

Reviewed by district in consultation with the family

Unable to attend school due to a legitimate medical reason, or 

All health related absences in any semester will require documentation from a doctor (ex. Medical appointments, physical therapy, speech therapy, mental health therapy, orthodontists, comp rehabilitation etc.) in order to be excused. Please inform your school of all absences and provide necessary documentation before or when you return from the appointment or illness in order to be counted as excused. 

If a doctor's note is given for days following student absence (ex. student didn’t go to doctor for first or second day of illness but gets doctor's note on third day, then the previous two days will be excused.)  

When a nurse sends a student home for health-related reasons, the absence is medically excused. If a nurse sends home a student in the middle of the day due to fever/vomiting etc. the student would also have excused absence for a full 24 hours. 

Have an IEP or 504 plan that affects attendance. 

As determined and documented by the 504 and/or IEP team

School Sponsored Activities

Students attending school-sponsored activities and athletics, field trips, and work-based learning experiences through an assigned course will be considered present.

Important to Note: Family vacations approved by parents may be excused by the school — meaning no school discipline would occur — but this absence would still be added to the absence total according to Iowa Code. For example, a family will generally be excused by the school for a vacation, but those days will still count for the chronic attendance law as they do not fall under exceptions as defined by the state. 

Thank you again for your patience, support, and understanding as we continue to implement this new legislation. We are doing our very best to balance the requirements of the law with the unique needs of our students and families. Our shared goal remains ensuring that every student is in school and able to thrive academically and personally. Again, if you have any questions please contact your building administration or myself at Central Office and we would be happy to talk through any of your specific situations and/or questions.

Tara Notz, Superintendent

Maquoketa Community School District