Hello Cardinal Elementary Families, Please be sure to sign-up for conferences next week. Let me know if you have any problems with scheduling. Looking forward to seeing you then! We would like to invite all Maquoketa families to attend our Parent-Teacher Conferences on Wednesday, March 6th from 2:00-6:00 and Thursday, March 7th from 2:00-8:00. This is an important time for you to connect with your child(ren)’s teacher and discuss how their learning has progressed this school year. We again will be using Meet the Teacher to schedule appointments at all buildings. Cardinal and Briggs Elementary will have 20 minute in-person conferences. The elementary buildings encourage in-person conferences to create early school connections with families and it’s easier to show parents the learning artifacts of younger students. Cardinal families are encouraged to bring their students to their conferences and Briggs families are invited to student-led conferences in all classrooms this spring. Families please use “Meet the Teacher” for scheduling regardless of attending in-person or virtually. Please visit https://maquoketaschools.meettheteacher.com/ to book your child’s conference appointment. You will need your students’ name(s) and birth dates. In addition, here is a short guide with step by step directions on how to book your appointment using “Meet the Teacher.” If you have children that attend multiple buildings and you are attending in-person conferences, please note you will need to allow for travel time between your other child’s conferences. Therefore, you will want to manually schedule your child’s conferences in “Meet the Teacher” to allow for this travel time. Warm Regards, Sara Bennis Cardinal Elementary Principal
about 1 year ago, Sara Bennis
Hello Cardinal Elementary Families, I hope you have had a great weekend and are ready for the week ahead. Cardinal is excited for the arrival of March and hopeful that it brings with it all the joys of springtime! Please watch our CWNK news report (https://youtu.be/abBIQrg7WhQ) for more about what is happening this week at Cardinal. Highlights and Upcoming Events: -You should have received information about our spring conferences coming up on March 6th and 7th. A message with information about how to schedule a time for these was sent out on Friday. Cardinal teachers recommend coming in-person for these but also provide a virtual option if needed. -Thursday, February 29th, is our Cardinal & Briggs Title 1 Family Night at the Voy Theater in downtown Maquoketa. Please join us if you can. -Spring Pictures are coming up on March 14th. -During conference week we will also be celebrating Read Across America Week and Dr. Seuss's birthday. More information will be coming soon as well as we have planned dress-up days for Mon. - Thurs.
about 1 year ago, Sara Bennis
Join us for the Annual Pops Concert tonight at the High School West Gym for a fun night of food and music.
about 1 year ago, Maquoketa CSD
Pops Concert
Join us today at 4:00 pm at Timber Lanes to celebrate with the Boys Bowling Team being State Champions and the Girls Bowling Team taking home 3rd Place. Come on down to tell our bowlers congratulations!
about 1 year ago, Maquoketa CSD
We are one week away from the Cardinal & Briggs Elementary Title 1 Family Night. Please join us if you can.
about 1 year ago, Sara Bennis
We are excited to announce that we will celebrate the Boys Bowling Team being State Champions and the Girls Bowling Team taking home 3rd Place. Join us for a celebration tomorrow, Friday, February 23rd at 4:00 pm at Timber Lanes. Come on down to tell our bowlers congratulations!
about 1 year ago, Maquoketa CSD
This week our 6th grade students had guest speaker Bill Harris in science class. Bill gave examples of renewable energy sources through a variety of interactive, hands on activities. One of the most popular lessons was generating energy through friction. Thank you Bill!
about 1 year ago, Austin Daniels
Bringing home the trophy! Awesome job guys!
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Nabb
State champs!
Congratulations to our Maquoketa FFA students and club leaders for their support! A big shout out to these outstanding members!
about 1 year ago, Maquoketa CSD
Today our 8th grade students attended EICC's DeWitt campus to learn more about various high school coursework opportunities available to them. This will help them as they plan out their 4 year graduation plans. A big thank you to EICC for having us!
about 1 year ago, Austin Daniels
So fun and exciting cheering on the Maquoketa girls bowlers! They are off to an amazing start!
about 1 year ago, Maquoketa CSD
Bowlers in action during Bakers. Go Cards
about 1 year ago, Tom Gruenwald
Congratulations to our Cardinal Leaders of the Week! This week we are featuring our kindergarten leaders (https://youtu.be/lz1cE6dJCKA?si=RkU5QrwvZBQNmcSh). Thanks for being great role models and setting a good example for others. Remember to try some of the kindness challenges that were shared at the assembly!
about 1 year ago, Sara Bennis
So proud of all our students have accomplished today! You have so many talents and are the best in the state! Excited to cheer on the girls bowling team tomorrow!
about 1 year ago, Maquoketa CSD
Congratulations to the Maquoketa Bowlers! #repeat state champions
about 1 year ago, Tom Gruenwald
State Champs
Maquoketa girls basketball team played a hard fought game tonight. So proud of all you've accomplished this year! We will be there to cheer you on again next year! Cardinal Pride!
about 1 year ago, Maquoketa CSD
Maquoketa bowlers are in the championship match. Let's go!!!!
about 1 year ago, Tom Gruenwald
Way to go Cardinal boys basketball team!! Great win against Xavier..onto Marion! Go CARDS!
about 1 year ago, Maquoketa CSD
HS Students and Families, If your student is signing up to ride the pep bus tomorrow to attend the girls bb game in North Polk, you will need to call the High School Office and give permission to our staff for your student to attend. They will not be allowed to ride the bus until we have parent permission. Thank You
about 1 year ago, Maquoketa CSD
Good luck to our Cardinal bowlers as both boys and girls teams head to State. Go Cards!
about 1 year ago, Maquoketa CSD