Maquoketa Families,
Due to the wind-chill warning all district activities will be canceled for Monday, January 15th. Thank you for your understanding.

Maquoketa Families,
Please read the news article on Facebook or in your email for details regarding Virtual Learning Days. 6th-12th grade students, if you need a hotspot for internet access, please contact Central Office at 563-652-4984 next week.

Cardinal Preschool has been busy with Snow & Ice themed activities since returning from winter break. It’s great to make connections and see our theme come to life outside, but we’re hoping for calmer winter weather these next few weeks so we can keep the learning and fun going at school!! ❄️😊🩵☃️🥳

Hello Maquoketa Families,
School will be canceled for Friday, January 12th due to our area being under a Winter Storm Warning. The District will also be closed on Monday, January 15th to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Stay safe and we hope to everyone more next week.

Maquoketa Families,
Buses will be on hard surface roads only tomorrow, January 11th. If you are a family who cannot get to the hard surface road, please contact Transportation Director Hansen in the morning and he will work to arrange alternate transportation for your student.

Mrs. Johnson's class has really enjoyed our yoga lessons from Challenge to Change. We just finished up our fourth lesson with them! Yoga naps are their favorite part of our yoga time.

We wanted to share a fabulous opportunity for our Maquoketa students through the Maquoketa Art Experience. I encourage you to check this out!

Hello Cardinal Families,
Hopefully you all got the message that school will be cancelled for tomorrow along with all evening activities. Please stay safe and bundle up if you or your students are going outside. I wanted reshare the expectations for winter weather for when it is safe to return to school. Please let me know if you have any questions!
Warm Regards,
Sara Bennis

Maquoketa Families,
Due to the weather forecast of large snowfall amounts and increasing winds, school will be cancelled for Tuesday, January 9th.
Be Safe,
Tara Notz
Maquoketa CSD

Happy 2024 from TK!!!!!

Today we recognized our High Hopes (students who are working hard and making gains on their academic achievements) and Count On Me (students who are showing good leadership skills and being a friend to others) awards at Cardinal Elementary. Throughout December we focused on Habit 3: Put First Things First. Starting in January we will focus on Habit 4: Think Win-Win!

2nd graders had a jam packed day! We began our day by visiting Kindergartens. We played a game, read a story, and gave them some reindeer food to take home. We had our holiday party, complete with snacks, juice, crafts, Secret Santa gift exchange, games, and a movie. Everyone had so much fun!

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Merry Christmas from Second Grade 🎄!

Hello Cardinal Elementary Families,
If you are not able to make it to the concert tomorrow and would like to watch the Livestream, here is the link: https://maquoketaschools.zoom.us/j/91644440912?pwd=WTJlVFZ4aVdqcVltS3N1VUhBaXVaQT09
Warm Wishes,
Sara Bennis

Hope you can join us for the Holiday Sing-A-Long tomorrow!

Ms. Bahlmann's second graders had fun learning about verbs and a new morning meeting greeting! We are busy practicing our math facts!

Hello Cardinal Elementary Families, As the temperatures fluctuate, I wanted share our expectations for outdoor recess in regards to how we determine whether we have indoor or outdoor recess. Please reach out to me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Sara Bennis

Please read our posted news article for an update about student, Ty Hinz, and a thank you to all of those who supported and cared for him during last night's basketball game. Ty’s family would like to share that he is at home recovering and at this time is doing well.

We have several teaching and para educator positions open at Maquoketa CSD. In interested please apply at iowaworks.gov or contact building administrators for detailed information about each position.