Mr. Andresen's Culinary Arts class has been busy making their "signature dishes." Delicious!

Maquoketa CSD is excited to announce the launch of our new website. The goal of the site is to provide timely, professional and systematic communication that celebrates our students, staff and families. Families will receive information on social media and via email by Friday, November 10th about how they can access our new district app and "Rooms", our two way communication platform between families and teachers.

Congratulations to MS student, Kaylin Novak who qualified as an Invitee to the Hooey Patriot rodeo in Las Vegas for barrel racing. This sport takes a lot of dedication, time, and commitment. We are proud of your accomplishments and good luck at your upcoming events.

Thank You to Senator Cournoyer and Representative Mommsen for meeting with area superintendents from the Mississippi Bend AEA region to discuss our legislative priorities. We appreciate the open dialogue and collaboration.

Mrs. Dostal's second grade class enjoying the beautiful leaves.

High School Students who achieved honors accomplishments during fall sports and music were celebrated by our elementary students. Congratulations to Chloe Leon for All-State Choir, Mia Reicks, Ainsley Munson and Abby Taliaferro for All-State Band and Izzy Hardin for State XC.

Mrs. Howell's room painting pumpkins.

Halloween fun at Briggs today.

Join us for the fall play, Chaos in Camelot, presented by Maquoketa High School CAGE students on November 10th and 11th at 7:00 pm at the Ohnward Fine Arts Center. Tickets are $7.00 for adults, $5.00 for students and 3 and under are free.

Congratulations to Izzy Hardin on her performance at the state XC meet! Izzy set another PR during the race. We are proud of all you have accomplished this season and look forward to watching you and the team again next year!! Way to go Izzy!!

Mrs. Dostal's class read "How Spider Saved Halloween" and then watched a Mystery Doug episode about spiders. We learned about which spider is the biggest and made our own spiders crawl to the fly (ruler). The students loved this and learned so much!

Mrs. Manthei's HS Accounting students took some time away from computers and are learning to do journal entries by playing Monopoly this week!! Great engagement and some good skills learning to work with each other!!

Mrs. Reicks' fifth graders collaborating on their math work.

Our literacy committee, made up of teachers and administrators are learning about the science of reading with the outcome of choosing an evidence based literary curriculum for our students. This spring we will be piloting some new curriculum with the goal of adopting next fall.

Thank You to our staff and families for attending the Middle School Family Fun night last night! It was great to see so many students enjoying each other and the event.

Students in Mrs. Barton's preschool room today were singing and learning new words about fall and Halloween fun!

Please join us tonight for the Middle School Family Fall Festival from 5:30 pm-7:00 pm.

Congratulations to the Maquoketa Football Team on their '23/'24 Season. We are proud of your accomplishments and look forward to continuing to cheer you on next year!

The YMCA is offering early out Wednesday activities to students starting November 1st.

Congratulations to Mia, Ainsley, and Abby! All 3 were selected to the Iowa All-State Band! Extra congrats to Abby, she is now a 3-year All-Stater AND a first clarinet this year. We are CARDINALS…and we are proud of your accomplishments today!